Born in a small city close to Schwäbisch Hall, Georg Trump (German, 1896–1985) began studying in 1912 at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Stuttgart. His studies were interrupted by the war in 1914, and he continued studying in 1919. From 1923 to 1926 he worked as ceramicist in Southern Italy and Sardinia. Afterwards Trump was appointed professor in Bielefeld at the Handwerker- und Kunstgewerbeschule (The School for Applied Arts and Crafts) and from 1929 onwards he taught typography and typeface design at master-school for book printing in Munich (among his colleagues was Jan Tschichold). In 1934 he was appointed director of this school, and designed various typefaces. Between 1939 and 1945 he served in the German army, and was wounded critically towards the end of the war. From 1953 onwards, Trump worked as a freelance artist and graphic designer and gained international acclaim.