Charles Jones (1866–1959)
EXHIBITION Apr 7 — May 31, 2001
Exhibition Text
Kicken II exhibits with Charles Jones a British position of 19th century photography. This collection of hitherto completely unknown photographs was one of the most sensational market-discoveries in the history of the photo world - this treasure has been found in a London flea-market. The selection of 30 still lifes at Kicken II, all from around 1890–1900, surprises with the capability of modern abstraction, as one could previously only discover in art of the 20th century. In front of neutral background and close-up, the gardener Jones photographed still-lifes of flowers and plants, as well as garden vegetables such as beans, onions and potatoes. These nature studies express a magic which seems unique despite photography being the classical media of reproduction.
The interest in photography is growing rapidly. The international market for masterpieces of this media produces more and more maximum prices. This development requires of the collector and the interested public an intensive engagement with the entire spectrum and the history of photography. At Kicken I, for the first time the gallery shows a survey of the beginning of photography in Germany.