In any discussion of the great portraitists of the 20th century, Arnold Newman’s name is rightly among the first to be mentioned. After all, it is photography that cultivated and developed the portrait as a subject during this century. Newman developed a specific style that made him world-famous. He completely broke with the classical tradition of portrayal derived from painting and thereby made the portrait into a symbol of man and work. In Arnold Newman’s concept, the social, professional, or private ambience are part of the person portrayed and therefore are always an essential element of his pictures.
The catalogue was released on the occasion of two exhibitions, entitled “Arnold Newman. Vintage Photographs” at Rudolf Kicken Gallery, Cologne, Sept. 17 – Nov. 17, 1999 and “Arnold Newman. Portraits of Artists – A Selection”, a special exhibition by Rudolf Kicken Gallery at Art Forum Berlin, Sept. 29 – Oct. 4, 1999.