In his series featuring German façades, French beach huts, and British seaside resorts, Götz Diergarten (born 1972 in Mannheim) examines the outward appearance of different types of everyday buildings. Following in the footsteps of the Becher School, Diergarten’s works are conceptually rigorous, with a documentary-style straightforwardness. Diergarten’s originality, however, lies in the fact that he adds color as dimension to this austere concept. In his METROpolis series, also presented in this book, he transforms the materials and patterns of passageways, tunnels, and railway platforms into abstract color spaces and fields. As in earlier series by Diergarten, the influences of American color photography by artists such as William Eggleston or Stephen Shore are obvious.
Published in conjunction with the exhibition Götz Diergarten. Photographs at Weserburg, Museum für moderne Kunst, Bremen, 2010.