The gallery’s research during the past several years of the Bauhaus phenomenon and “New Vision” photography, which resulted in the publication last year [i.e. 1984] of the Bauhaus portfolios 6/7, led inevitably to more intimate contact with other, related areas of creativity, including the highly influential architectural activity taking place during this time. An especially interesting and important aspect of this period is the active and harmonious interchange between the various arts and crafts, and the widespread influence of broad international movements, such as art nouveau, futurism, cubism and constructivism. With the publication of this catalogue and presentation of drawings by an architect whose work carries the positive impact of principles established by his modern predecessors, we are able to give concrete expression to our great respect for achievement in this special realm of creativity, and to share with others the enthusiasm which has led us to broaden our exhibition program accordingly.
This publication constitutes catalogue No. 13 published by the gallery. It was released on the occasion of the exhibition with the same title at Galerie Rudolf Kicken, Cologne, Oct. 4 – Nov. 30, 1985.